Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Cremation Ceremony

In Bali this ceremony is known as NGABEN the word derived from ABU means “honor”. So  Ng-ABU-in becomes  Ngaben means to honor. Ngaben is the ceremony to honor the soul of the death to the family temple.

The Balinese believe that a person is consists of the three bodies; the material body (stula sarira), thought and consciousness (antakarana sarira) and the Causer of live (suksma sarira).

The material body of the human being (microcosm) is the same element as the Earth (macrocosm) elements which are consists of five constituent elements known as Panca Maha Bhuta; land, water, fire, air and ether. The cremation ceremony returns the five constituent elements and weakens the attachment of the soul towards worldly desire, the world of thought and consciousness which cling to the soul and causes to be reborn. The death for Hinduism is not considered the last passage of life or the  end of everything, but the soul will take another body to continue the task of life for liberation and bliss. And the soul has to be reunited with the Supreme Being.

Soon after the material body burned, the ashes will be thrown into the sea or into the river. The goal is to break down the bonds of the ego then go through the spirit of eternal life. The Memukur ceremony will be followed after the cremation ceremony. This ceremony asking the God in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva to be sanctified soul of the died to the family temple.

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